Spring fatigue – no, thank you!

Spring fatigue – no, thank you!

Spring herbs from the Lech Valley

Revitalize your metabolism and don’t give spring fatigue a chance

Especially now, when the days are getting longer and brighter again and nature is starting to come to life and fill with color, it is unfortunately often the case that our own bodies are weak.

So that you can enjoy spring with full energy and to the full, we give you a few tips on how to boost your metabolism and not give spring fatigue a chance.


Clear your lungs and take a deep breath of the fresh spring air. Enjoy the awakening nature on daily walks and perhaps collect the first spring herbs.

To chase away tiredness and bad thoughts, you should use the energy of the sun. It helps you to strengthen your vitality and your immune system.

Walks, cycling, Nordic walking or relaxation techniques such as yoga and meditation can also help to boost energy and combat fatigue.

On a spring walk here in Steeg you will find a wide variety of herbs. During your vacation, you can explore nature on your own or join us on a herb hike. We here at the Hauserei look forward to immersing you in our world of herbs and sharing our knowledge with you.

Spring herbs with an energy boost

It would also make sense to switch to a lighter diet. Fresh salads with spring herbs (e.g. with daisies), a healthy green smoothie (e.g. with dandelion leaves) or an herbal soup (e.g. with wild garlic) can support the metabolism. We always cook with fresh herbs at the Hauserei. A real herbal delight from early to late.

What we shouldn’t forget under any circumstances Drink, drink and drink again. In addition to our spring tea and other herbal teas, lemon water or clear mountain spring water are best suited for this.

Genuine Hauser spring tea

For a lively start to spring

Every year we produce a special mixture of dried medicinal plants and herbs that we collect ourselves. Our personal spring tea tastes slightly different every year, as we always vary the blend. It invigorates body and mind with its refreshing fragrance, boosts the metabolism and gives us the necessary energy. In principle, many other spring bloomers are suitable for a tea or as an addition to a delicious salad or smoothie.

This year’s herbal favorites: concentrated power from the Lechtal nature

Birch leaves

The birch embodies a new beginning and therefore spring. Its bright green leaves radiate light, youthfulness and freshness. They stimulate kidney function.

Nettle leaves

As an alkaline rinsing agent, stinging nettle supports purification and cleansing. It helps with tiredness and lack of energy. Their vitamin C content is 6 times higher than that of the orange. It also helps with intestinal sluggishness.


Yarrow is considered the panacea par excellence. It supports the cleansing of the body, aids digestion and helps against flatulence. It is also considered a liver plant.

Dandelion leaves

Like all the plants mentioned above, dandelion also helps to cleanse the body. It has a diuretic effect, stimulates fat burning and helps against bloating. Dandelion gives lion power to those who know how to use it.


This is also an early-flowering plant whose resilience demonstrates the unexpected power of a small flower. Like its fellow herbs, the daisy has a lot to offer in folk medicine. Because daisies have always had a certain magic, they should not be missing from our tea blend.

Lemon balm /mint

Lemon balm rounds off the whole thing with its pleasant taste and calming effect. The lemony fragrance is reminiscent of summer and brightens up the day

All these herbs help to cleanse the body from the inside and improve vitality. All medicinal herbs mixed in equal parts. Drink several cups of freshly brewed coffee every day. This helps the body to eliminate toxins. It stimulates the liver, kidneys and gall bladder to work again.

A real spring kick.
